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Trial wave function in the BCS limit

In the construction of the trial function the antisymmitrization is included through the Slater determinant ${\cal D}{\bf (R)}$

$\displaystyle \psi_T({\bf R}) = {\cal D}{\bf (R)}\prod\limits_{i=1}^Nf_1({\vec r}_i)
\prod\limits_{j<k}^Nf_2(\vert{{\vec r}_j-{\vec r}_k}\vert)$     (2.92)

Thus at the variational trial move one has to calculate the ratio of two determinants in addition to usual one- and two- body correlation terms present in the bosonic VMC algorithm (compare with (2.37) and see Sec. 2.2). An element of the Slater matrix is given by ${\cal D}_{i\alpha} =
\varphi_\alpha({\vec r}_i)$, where $\varphi_\alpha(\r)$ is a single particle orbital. In further latin indices will always refer to particle number and the greek indices to orbital number. During a trial move in which position of only one particle get changed, just one row of the Slater matrix changes. This means that instead of a direct calculation of the Slater determinant a more efficient method can be used. Before doing the trial move one should calculate the inverse matrix ${\cal\overline
D}$ such that ${\cal D\overline D} = I$ or in terms of the matrix elements

$\displaystyle \sum\limits_{\alpha=1}^N{\cal D}_{i\alpha}{\cal \overline D}_{j\alpha} = \delta_{ij}$     (2.93)

If we denote the matrix with coordinate of the $i^{th}$ particle changed as ${\cal
D'}$ then the ratio of interest becomes

$\displaystyle \frac{\vert{\cal D'}\vert^2}{\vert{\cal D}\vert^2} =
...\overline DD'}\vert^2}{\vert{\cal D}\vert^2} =
\vert{\cal D'\overline D}\vert^2$     (2.94)

The matrix ${\cal D'\overline D}$ is almost diagonal. Indeed, only $i^{th}$ row is different from the one of a unitary matrix. It means that the determinant of such a matrix equals to the $i^{th}$ element of this row, i.e.

$\displaystyle q = \frac{\vert{\cal D'}\vert^2}{\vert{\cal D}\vert} =
\sum\limits_{\alpha=1}^N\varphi_\alpha({\vec r}_i'){\cal \overline D}_{i\alpha}$     (2.95)

After the move is accepted the inverse matrix must be updated. There is a fast way of doing it. Instead of direct inversion of the determinant matrix one can use $q$ from eq.(2.95):

$\displaystyle {\cal \overline D}_{j\alpha}
= \left\{
{\cal \...
...a({\vec r}_i'){\cal \overline D}_{j\beta}}{q}
,&j \ne i\\
\right.$     (2.96)

Differentiating the trial wave function (2.92) one finds the expression for the kinetic energy. It is equal to

$\displaystyle T^{loc}({\bf R}) = \frac{\hbar^2}{2m}\left\{
...j-{\vec r}_k}\vert)
-\sum\limits_{i=1}^N \vert\vec F_i({\bf R})\vert^2\right\},$     (2.97)

where the two-body contribution to the local energy is the same as in the bosonic case
$\displaystyle {\cal E}^{loc}_2(r) =-\frac{f_2''(r)}{f_2(r)}+\left(\frac{f_2'(r)}{f_2(r)}\right)^2$     (2.98)

and there is an additional term coming from the determinant part of the trial wave function.
$\displaystyle {\cal E}^{i}_{\cal D}(\vec r) = -\frac{\Delta_i {\cal D}({\bf R})...
...({\bf R})}
+\left(\frac{\nabla_i {\cal D}({\bf R})}{{\cal D}({\bf R})}\right)^2$     (2.99)

The drift force (2.15) appearing in (2.97) is given by

$\displaystyle \vec F_i({\bf R}) =
\frac{\nabla_i {\cal D}({\bf R})}{{\cal D}({\...
...c r}_k}\vert)}\frac{{{\vec r}_i-{\vec r}_k}}{\vert{{\vec r}_i-{\vec r}_k}\vert}$     (2.100)

The derivatives of the determinant are related to the derivatives of the orbitals in an easy way (see formula (2.95))

$\displaystyle \frac{\nabla_i {\cal D}({\bf R})}{{\cal D}({\bf R})}
=\sum\limits_{\alpha=1}^N {\cal \overline D}_{i\alpha} \nabla_i \varphi_\alpha({\vec r}_i)$     (2.101)

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G.E. Astrakharchik 15-th of December 2004