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Dragg force

Now the projection of the force ${\bf F}$ onto the direction of motion ${\bf V}$ is given by the integral (7.29)

$\displaystyle F^{2D}_V = -\frac{4i{g_{i}}^2\phi_0^2}{V}
\frac{dk\,d\!\cos\vartheta}{(2\pi)^2} = \qquad$     (7.32)
$\displaystyle =\!-\!\frac{i{g_{i}}^2\phi_0^2}{4\pi^2 mV^2}

In the following we will introduce a two-dimensional density $n_{2D} = N/L^2$. The square of the unperturbed homogeneous solution equals to it $\phi_0^2 = n_{2D}$. The integral (7.32) is different from zero only if integrand has poles, which means that the velocity $V$ must be larger than the speed of sound $c$. Only momenta smaller than $k_{max}$ (see eq.(7.26)) contribute to the integral

$\displaystyle F^{2D}_V = -\frac{i{g_{i}}^2n_{2D}}{4\pi^2mV^2} \int\limits_0^{k_...
\frac{2mV k^2\,dk} {\hbar\sqrt{\frac{4m^2(V^2-c^2)}{\hbar^2}-k^2}}$     (7.33)

We recall simple integral equality $\int_0^\varkappa\frac{k^2\,dk}{\sqrt{\varkappa^2-k^2}}=\frac{\pi}{4}\varkappa^2$ and finally have

$\displaystyle F^{2D}_V = \frac{{g_{i}}^2 n_{2D}}{\hbar^3V}(V^2-c^2).$     (7.34)

In a quasi two-dimensional system, i.e. when the gas is confined in the $z$-direction by the harmonic potential $m\omega_z^2z^2/2$, the two-dimensional coupling constant equals (see 1.122)

$\displaystyle {g_{i}}^{2D}=\sqrt{2\pi}\frac{\hbar^2b}{ma_z},$     (7.35)

where $a_z=\sqrt{\hbar/m\omega_z}$ is the oscillator length and $b$ is the three-dimensional scattering length. We consider here only the mean-field $2D$ situation. See [PS03],§17 and [PGS04] for a more detail discussion.

Notice again that our calculations do not take into account creation of vortex pairs which is possible at $V<c$.

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G.E. Astrakharchik 15-th of December 2004