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Phonon trial wave function ($\delta $-potential)

Here we shall construct a trial wave function which at distances short is a two-body solution of one-dimensional $\delta $-function scattering and has ``phonon'' like behavior at large distances (see [RC67]).

The trial wave function is chosen in the following form

$\displaystyle f_2(z) =
A \cos k(z-B), & z < R\\
\vert\sin^\alpha (\pi z/L)\vert, & z \ge R
\right.$     (2.55)

There are five undefined parameters $A,B,k,\alpha,R$ and four continuity equations. One parameter is left free. We will chose matching distance $R$ as the guiding parameter.

Continuity condition at zero is the same as in the Lieb-Liniger trial wave function (1.66) and is given by the formula (2.52)
$\displaystyle ka \mathop{\rm tg}\nolimits kB = 1$     (2.56)

This equation fixes the value of the scattering momenta $\k$.

Continuity condition at the matching point
continuity of the wave function:
$\displaystyle A \cos k(R-B) = \sin^\alpha (\pi R/L)$     (2.57)

continuity of the first derivative, which together with the condition a) means continuity of the logarithmic derivative:
$\displaystyle -k \mathop{\rm tg}\nolimits k(R-B) = \alpha\frac{\pi}{L} \mathop{\rm ctg}\nolimits (\pi R/L)$     (2.58)

continuity of the second derivative or, together with a) and b) means continuity of the local energy:
$\displaystyle -k^2 = \alpha
\left(\frac{\pi}{L}\right)^2 [(\alpha-1)\mathop{\rm ctg}\nolimits ^2(\pi R/L)-1]$     (2.59)

One can prove that following relation holds $kL/\pi\sin 2\pi R/L + \sin
2k(R-B)=0$. Another useful relation is $\mathop{\rm tg}\nolimits k(R-B) = (ka\sin kR-\cos kR)
/(ka\cos kR+\sin kR)$.

The value of the scattering momenta is a solution of the equation

$\displaystyle \frac{(\sin kR+ka\cos kR)(\cos kR - ka\sin kR)}
{k((ka)^2+1)}=\frac{L}{2\pi} \sin \frac{2\pi R}{L}$     (2.60)

The maximal value of the l.h.s. is reached at $k = 0$ and equals to $R+a$. For matching distance much smaller than $L$ the sinus function on the r.h.s. can be expanded and the condition for the existence of the solution is $a>0$ which is always fulfilled for the repulsive gas.

All other parameters can be found from the following formulae:

$\displaystyle \left\{
B &=& \frac{1}{k} \mathop{\rm arcctg}\...
A &=& \frac{\sin^\alpha (\pi R/L)}{\cos(k(R-B))}\\
\end{array}\right.$     (2.61)

The contribution to the energy is given by

$\displaystyle -\frac{f''}{f}+\left(\frac{f'}{f}\right)^2 =
...hop{\rm ctg}\nolimits ^2 \frac{\pi x}{L}\right], & z \ge R
\right.$     (2.62)

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G.E. Astrakharchik 15-th of December 2004