

Educations and Qualifications

  • PhD student in Physics (XXIV cicle) Doctoral School in Physics, University of Trento, Italy.
  • Master in Physics, Kazan State University, Russia (June 2007). Thesis title: "The vibrational spectra and conformational dynamics of six- and sevenmembered heterocyclic compounds". Specialization: Physics of Atoms and Molecules. Scientific supervisor: Prof. A. Fishman.
  • Bachelor of Science in Physics, Kazan State University, Russia (June 2005). Thesis title: "Estimate parameters of basicity 2-R-1,3-dioxocycloheptanes by IR absorption spectra". Specialization: Optics and Nanophotonics. Scientific supervisor: Prof. A. Fishman.

Professional Experiences

  • September 2005 – November 2008: Senior Researcher Scientist, Laboratory of Molecular Spectroscopy, Department of Physics, Kazan State University, Russia.
  • September 2005 – November 2008: Laboratory Techniciant, Department of Chemistry, Kazan State University, Russia.


  • 4 years experience with molecular spectroscopy
  • Experience with IR, Raman spectroscopy
  • Operational experience with VECTOR-22, TENSOR-27 Bruker company
  • Operational experience with Spectrum 100 PerkinElmer company
  • Experience with quantum-chemical calculations energy, frequency
  • Experience with interpretation vibrational spectra, interconversion of conformers