145129 | Advanced analysis | Serra Cassano | 14:00 | A103 |
140017 | Analisi matematica 2 | Serra Cassano, Tonoli | 14:00 | A103 |
146163 | Basics of optoelectronics | Velha | 09:00 | A219 |
145544 | Bioinformatics | Blanzieri, Romanel | 14:00 | A215 |
145544 | Bioinformatics | Blanzieri, Romanel | 14:00 | A215 |
145544 | Bioinformatics | Blanzieri, Romanel | 14:00 | A215 |
145767 | Bioinformatics Resources | Romanel | 14:00 | A215 |
145767 | Bioinformatics Resources | Romanel | 14:00 | A215 |
145767 | Bioinformatics Resources | Romanel | 14:00 | A215 |
155025 | Bridging HCI to Psychology | Meconi, Zancanaro | 11:00 | |
145409 | Calcolatori | Iacca, Palopoli | 08:30 | |
146127 | Calcolatori e programmazione | Blanzieri, Iacca, Palopoli, Roberti | 08:30 | |
146055 | Calculus 1 | Pugliese, Sottile | 09:01 | A104 |
146141 | Calculus 2 | Soresina, Wiygul | 08:30 | A223 |
145439 | Complementi matematici della meccanica quantistica | Giorgini | 09:30 | A103 |
146144 | Computer architectures and programming | Patrignani, Stedile, Yildirim | : | |
146229 | Computer Graphics | Garau | 15:00 | studio docente |
145993 | Databases | Franzil, Siracusa | 14:00 | pc B106 |
145212 | Discrete Fourier analysis | Meneghetti | 10:00 | A212 |
145154 | Experimental Mathematics Laboratory at School Level | Delladio | 09:00 | studio docente |
145033 | Fisica generale I (secondo modulo) | Rinaldi, Vagnozzi | 08:30 | A108 |
145410 | Fondamenti matematici per l'informatica | Ghiloni | 14:30 | B107 (SALA CONFERENZE) |
145684 | Introduction to Machine Learning | Rota | 15:00 | |
145684 | Introduction to Machine Learning | Rota | 15:00 | |
146089 | Mathematical Modeling and Simulation | Marchetti, Pugliese, Righetti | 09:01 | A104 |
146089 | Mathematical Modeling and Simulation | Marchetti, Pugliese, Righetti | 09:01 | A104 |
146089 | Mathematical Modeling and Simulation | Marchetti, Pugliese, Righetti | 09:01 | A104 |
145512 | Nanoscience | Bettotti, Scarpa | 09:30 | studio docente |
146308 | Process Mining and Management | Di Francescomarino | 15:00 | A221 |
146050 | Programmazione scientifica | Grillo, Roggero, Tubiana | 08:30 | pc A202 |
145644 | Quantum Mechanics, Fields and Symmetries | Leidemann | 14:00 | A218 |
146065 | Sistemi Operativi | Crispo, Grisafi | 09:00 | B107 (SALA CONFERENZE) |
146237 | Sport Tech | Bouquet, Conci | 09:00 | A213 |
145256 | Statistics of Stochastic Processes | Agostinelli | 09:30 | A211 |