III) Research in Pairs


  This type of program is similar to the one of the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, and provides for the presence of two or three partners from Universities located in different towns, who intend to work on a definite research project and for a well specified period of time (ranging from one to six weeks).

  Applicant partners must submit a scientific project in the field of mathematics, with a detailed research program, resulting in one or more scientific publications in journals of excellent mathematical level; the support of the CIRM will then be acknowledged in the resulting publications.

  Participants in the RIP Program will also give occasional research seminar talks at the CIRM or at the University of Trento, but will enjoy freedom in the pursuit of their scientific goals.

  Applications where one or more of the partners are Italians will of course be welcome.

CIRM will provide the necessary logistic support: office space and computer facilities, access to the library and to other facilities of the Dipartimento di Matematica della Universitą di Trento, and of the Fondazione Bruno Kessler (such as FBK Cafeteria).

  Participants in the RIP Program will have  their living expenses (full board and lodging) fully paid by CIRM and will possibly get an insurance covering their activity inside the CIRM offices. As a rule, travel expenses will not be reimbursed, except in exceptional cases.

  Applications must be sent to the address FBK, Centro Internazionale per la Ricerca Matematica, Via Sommarive n. 14-Povo, 38123 Trento, by ordinary mail or possibly via electronic mail to the address

Applications can be submitted at any time, but preferably a few months before the planned stay, since decision making might require up to three months or more.

  Applicants are asked to submit, together with their application, a brief description of their research proposal, their C.V.'s, a list of publications, and possibly electronic copies of some recent articles. They must specify in detail the dates of their intended visit.



                                                                                                                              The Director of CIRM

                                                                                                                              Prof. Fabrizio Catanese



The Visitors program (RIP included) will be run  by the Comitato Direttivo of CIRM in a similar  way to the one of the   Editorial Committee of a scientific journal.

Proposals can be sent either by ordinary mail or by electronic mail, and will be discussed by  the Comitato Direttivo per  e-mail, possibly asking for experts' opinions  on the submitted proposals.