First CIRM-HCM Joint Meeting

Stochastic Analysis, SPDEs, Particle Systems, Optimal Transport

Grand Hotel Bellavista, Levico Terme (Trento), Italy

January, 2010


Fototeca Trentino SPA – Foto Emil Bosco, Lago di Levico ghiacciato



Click here to see the program

Scientific Committee

  • S. Albeverio (University of Bonn)
  • A. Bovier (University of Bonn)
  • L. Di Persio (University of Trento), local organizer
  • F. Flandoli (University of Pisa)
  • G. Da Prato (SNS Pisa)
  • Th. Sturm (University of Bonn)
  • L. Tubaro (University of Trento), local organizer


List of confirmed speakers

Confirmed Participants

Click here to see the list

Format and Topics

 In recent years there have been exciting developments in stochastic analysis in relation to stochastic partial differential equations, on one hand, and to the statistical mechanics particle systems on the other hand. In the study of optimal transport, methods of stochastic analysis and calculus of variations combined with geometric analytic methods have found striking applications. Each of these areas has had an intensive, often very technical development, attracting an increasing number of young mathematicians and scientists, in addition to specialists. Time has come to make an effort to bring together the different communities, to better stress the connections between the approaches and stimulate further developments, enhancing the new opportunities offered by active collaborations across boundaries of specialized research areas. Several mathematicians working in the areas of this meeting have already strong connections with CIRM and/or HCM. The meeting could also constitute a catalyst for further collaborations between these Centers and, at the same time, attract to the Centers active mathematicians and scientists working all over the world in areas which are at the forefront of research in mathematics and its applications.


 For registering in the meeting please complete and submit our  registration form to the Secretary of CIRM.

No registration fee will be charged.

Some grants covering the lodging for the participation in the workshop will be available. People interested in having such a support should send an application form to the Secretary of CIRM.


Deadline for registration: January 15, 2010.

 Logistic Information

The conference will be held in the conference hall of the Grand Hotel Bellavista in Levico Terme (Trento). Participants will be lodged in the same hotel. Arrival day is Sunday, January 24th  in the afternoon/evening. Lectures will start in the morning of Monday, January 25th  and end at midday of Saturday, January 30th . Departure day is Saturday, January 30th  after lunch. The cost for the full board at Grand Hotel Bellavista is:

Please click here to find Information to reach Levico Terme and the conference site.
